Tag Archives: Psychology

What Your Favorite ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Character Says About You

#1, it had to be #1. (Like the person I reblogged.) Maybe a little #3. No, No, NO! It has to be Luke. It has ALWAYS been Luke. When I was a naïve kid, I admired Luke the naïve kid. When I was a journeyman professional, I admired Luke as the same.

And, now that I am a reclusive old man who might teach someone if they are willing to try, it is STILL Luke! But, he is not an option in this list. Looks like it is back to #1, Han Solo, with a tiny dash of #3. But, I am more scavenger than smuggler, just not garage sales; used book stores, instead.

Then again, maybe BB-8 is the best pick….


You don’t tolerate nonsense or drama in your life. You are resilient toward other’s opinions of you, and you pride yourself on being fiercely determined.


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Astrology and Psychotherapy, Part 1: Fundamentals and Cosmic Empathy

Michael MacLafferty | Oakland Therapist

“We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else.” — C. G. Jung

Simply put, astrology is the study of the relationships of the objects in our solar system, relative to our viewpoint on Earth. Each object symbolizes a particular concept, or archetype, and the angles between them in the sky indicate when and how they are interacting. The sky itself is divided into twelve equal parts, providing the backdrop of this celestial drama.

Our universe is dominated by cycles, and has always been the basis for our measurement of time—from the movement of the Sun and Moon measuring days, months, and seasons to the vibrations of crystals and atoms counting out milli- and nanoseconds. The movement of…

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(Extremely Powerful) Crown Chakra Awakening – 963 Hz – Theta Binaural Beats

Grand Temple of Horus Behdety

This video contains the 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency along with 6 Hz Theta Binaural Beats for Crown Chakra Awakening.

===== General Questions =====

Q. What are Binaural Beats?

“Binaural Beats” is a term given to playing one sound frequency in one ear, and another sound frequency in the opposite ear, creating a two-tone effect in the mid-brain that is actually perceived to be one tone. This causes an “Entrainment” effect in the brain that has a variety of results depending on the frequency.

Q. What are Binaural Beats good for?

Lots of things. Meditation, Relaxation, Stress Relief, Deeper Sleep, Pain Relief, Mind Expansion, Brain Hemisphere Syncronization, and the list goes on and on.

Pretty much any element of the Mind / Body complex can be improved using Binaural Beats, which again is just Brainwave Entrainment.

Q. Do Binaural Beats Actually Work?

Indeed. Many scientific studies (especially as of late) have…

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Excellent point about this.

A Narcissist Writes Letters, To Himself

Humanity’s greatest innovations
start by studying the wild.
Our first understanding of medicine
came from watching the changes in eating habits
of sick or injured birds.

This continues today,
like how fish influence automobile aerodynamics,
or how the idea for Velcro came from burs on a dog
or the way bees taught the beauty industry
how to build an empire using, almost exclusively, bulimia.

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Guest Post: Workplace bullying – The silent epidemic and the long term psychological damage. by Sudhir Suvarna


As the number of you, my followers increases, the more I get to read your posts and I am enjoying the diversity of the topics you all choose to write about so passionately. Kudos! Sudhir happened to mention in one of his comments in MiddleMe about a similar post he has in common with mine and I really enjoyed his insightful article so much so I wished to share his words with all of you, the important message that all of us should take note of. I do hope you enjoy the below article and if you do, please feel free to leave comments below or go to his website for more!

On 14 July 2009, a 52-year-old employee of a telecoms company in Europe killed himself, leaving behind a note blaming “overwork” and “management by terror”. He wrote in his suicide note: “I am committing suicide because of my work…

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Ancient Symbolism of the Magical Phoenix | Ancient Origins

Grand Temple of Horus Behdety

The symbolism of the Phoenix, like the mystical bird itself, dies and is reborn across cultures and throughout time.

Source: Ancient Symbolism of the Magical Phoenix | Ancient Origins

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Myths About Meditation

Hālau 'Aha Hui Lānākila

What is Meditation?Meditation is an art of realizing and mastering self. Meditation does not mean the art of obtaining something from outside as it is an art of unlocking your energy from within. It is an art and it can be learn by any person. Some person does meditation for few years and after that they give up it as they were expecting miracles which is a wrong way of looking at meditation. Meditation allow you to enjoy life. It is not the path of running away from family life as it is an art of living a family and social life at it’s best. Now lets look at the first myth.

Source: Myths About Meditation

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Miscommunication Madness


This is an issue that is really bothering me this week. It’s always made me shake my head or roll my eyes when someone is going a little bonkers about how someone said something ‘out of order’ over text to a vague social media update that is perfectly timed with something someone did to upset someone else.

Yes, I understand that it’s seemingly easier to hide behind your phone or your computer and say what you really think is on your mind, but perhaps the reason you’re feeling so brave is because you’re not faced with facial expressions, tone of voice, gesture or body language. And in turn, the person on the receiving end of your blast of anger is in the same boat, and without these clarifying cues, we then “fill in the blanks” with our worries and assumptions.

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Petite Girls Guide


Help us to #StopStigma
“It’s time to start talking about mental illness. There are so many ways that you can get involved and help us to #StopStigma, and change mental health for good.”


“SANE campaigns tirelessly to end the stigma and prejudices surrounding mental health. We raise awareness and educate people about mental illness to combat the ignorance which all too often exacerbates the distress that sufferers experience. Together we can bring mental health out of the shadows. Please join the fight today and give here to help us #StopStigma. Thank you.”

Project Helping

“All of us at Project Helping intimately understand the stigma around mental health issues and depression. We understand because we have all struggled with depression and depression related illness and we have all felt the crushing burden of the stigma. In turn, we all understand the importance of working towards ending the associated stigma.”

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