Monthly Archives: November 2016

THE FIRST JUPITER-URANUS SQUARE!!!!! (of 3 from now till August 2017)

Cristina Laird's Astrology

We are already in the first of 3 squares (90º) between Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn, the second will be March 30, 2017 and the third August 4, 2017, period which coincides with the 8 months that Neptune is in direct motion, from now until June 2017.

This aspect between Jupiter and Pluto in these signs does not occur since 1934, it coincides historically with the rise of Nazism in Europe, with Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy and Franco in Spain. Just like after the Great Depression in 1929 y la crisis del 2008, we area under similar astrological aspects such as the waning Uranus-Pluto square, at 5º orb at the moment, but also, a similar political situation. In 1929, Uranus in Aries (like now) Pluto in Cancer (now in its opposite sign of Capricorn) were forming the same square, with Saturn, now in Sagittarius like then, was moving…

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this Sagittarius new moon: be the light

magick millenial

snippet from Mystic Mamma

NEW MOON in Sagittarius aims to ignite a flicker of hope in the darkness.

“…emerging out of the darkness of our Shadows and our fears…into a more light-filled, optimistic energy…

This is the sign and the time to emerge out of our self-centered vision of life into a much broader view of life that includes others as well as the Earth and all her children.

Sagittarius is all about the Truth.
Sagittarians are Truthspeakers and Truthseekers.
Sagittarians always have a goal in mind.

That’s the arrow that this celestial archer aims at the heart of the matter…”

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Sagittarius New Moon Spread

Balance These Scales

I haven’t posted a proper reading in a while and for that, I sincerely apologize.  2016 has been quite transformational to say the least, am I right?!  I feel like I have been reading cards pretty regularly but blogging, eh, not so much…(I’ll change that!)

I had not planned on doing anything for this particular New Moon but I felt called to as I looked outside to the gloomy sky on Monday afternoon.  With everything going on around the world, it felt like a good time to check in.  What say you, cards?

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Sagittarius Moon is ready for adventure today 11-30-2016

Libra Seeking Balance


Nothing like a trine to wild eyed Uranus in Aries to get the Sagittarius Moon up and running . . . and that’s what gets our day off to a start. It will be evening before the Moon catches up to Mercury in Sagittarius, and there is nothing better for sitting down with friends and discussing wide ranging issues. The restless feel to the day could make tending to business more challenging than usual so give yourself permission to do something outside your normal routine today. 🌠☽♐🌠

The fly in the ointment today is the Sagittarius Sun squaring Neptune in Pisces because it will add a note of confusion to the mix. If we’re attempting to work on choosing a new direction in our lives, the possibilities may seem endless and having to pick one will not be easy. Sit with these for awhile and let the Neptune fog dissipate…

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11/30 Horoscope 

Katie Turner - Know Your Vibes Astrology

Overnight there was some good energy for getting a birds eye view of things, but there may have also been some pressure from the future. Don’t be afraid to put in some work on an idea you know is with it. Who cares if other people may think it’s over the top. There’s good energy for challenging others anyways, so just do your thing. Later tonight you may be feeling a little disillusioned. Don’t get discouraged at the lack of visible progress. You’re still moving forward. Trust me. You may be feeling mentally active before you go to bed. Share some of your ideas with others to burn off some of that steam. It’ll do you some good.

Transits of the day:

  • Moon sextile Jupiter, 1:20 am
  • Moon conjunct Saturn, 3:16 am
  • Moon trine Uranus, 9:45 am
  • Sun square Neptune, 8:17 pm
  • Moon conjunct Mercury, 11:08 pm

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Home Sweet Home

Through the Peacock's Eyes

flymetothemoonI had an interesting dream last night, that left me feeling grounded and peaceful. It was another of my “house” dream series, where I return to my old home. You can read many previous entries in my posts Butterfly Journal: GratitudeTime Machine Blogging Challenge: Traversing the Timelessness of the Dreamworld, and Butterfly Journal: Self-Reflection. In summary, most of those dreams had the themes of me going back and packing more, cleaning, seeing it empty, not selling or buying it back, or just curious to check on the house and see the changes. In Butterfly Journal: Gratitude, I wrapped up with a feeling of being home sweet home:

As I’ve mentioned before, a house or home symbol in dreams often symbolizes the psyche, and for me the psyche is where I have been doing much, much cleaning, clearing, and healing. As challenging as things had been, especially…

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Sun square NEPTUNE, Shout out to Donald Trump

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Nov. 30

The Moon is in optimistic, full of faith SAGITTARIUS today. It sextiles Jupiter at 1:20 am EST and makes a sobering conjunction with SATURN in the wee hours.

You may find that your dreams are filled with archetypal old men, bosses, your father, many restrictions,tests and hardships and karmic memories.  

Notice how you feel in the morning. Saturn is like lead, for some you will be out like a log, for others you can wake up feeling very tired. This can feel heavy and perhaps you will have a painful awakening. Trust that there is help and guidance from the angelic realms.

Mercury will be in conjunction with the GALACTIC CENTER enter over the next few days. THE SUN CONJUNCTS THE GALACTIC CENTER once a year only on Dec 19-20. This is a perfect opportunity to meditate in that void in the Yoniverse’s centre. Much guidance…

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Venus square Uranus, avante garde love

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

New Moon in Sagittarius 11/29  We need to focus on the major T-Square in Cardinal signs 

VENUS squares URANUS @ 20+ degrees Capricorn

I was responding to an article about Kanye West’s recent mental breakdown in an email subscription service i get. I mentioned Picasso’s earliest painting which granted him early L’Enfant terrible genius status and that was this one. 

picasso les demoiselles d avignon, Astrology Tara Greene

Picasso Les demoiselles d’Avignon 1907

It made me think of  a major painting that illustrates the Venus-Uranus square. Not that Picasso had one. Kanye BTW has a NATAL [Mars} VENUS conjunction opposite URANUS in a wide square to Saturn in LEO. I’ll write a short article about why Kanye is having a mental breakdown now.

VENUS square URANUS is Viva la revolution. So synchronous that Castro died under this aspect.

VENUS square URANUS values unconventional things. 

Venus square Uranus is don’t expect women to ever be the same. Women’s liberation.  A…

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1 Sun / AHAU – A Walk in the Light

Jaguar Spirit


1 Sun / AHAU 1 Sun / AHAU

Greetings Kin,

The Next 13-Days…

As the Sun/AHAU energies move in, I remember my Mom’s morning wake-up call, “Rise and Shine.” As we begin again, Sun/AHAU will bring a new Light of Day that challenges us to move forward with the Best we Have to Bring.

The Sun is our source of Life, Light, and Happiness. As we have been called into Divine Service, we’re asked to Show up and Suit up for the Work of Spiritual Warriors.

The Deer/MANIK trecena prepared us with the Spiritual Tools needed to serve as a Divine Agent of the Creator. Having been made new by Divine Grace we stand spotless before our Creator at a new threshold.

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Magical Subconscious Expression & Clarity-Nov 30

5D Astrology

Snapshot: Wednesday is motivationally productive and very clarifying subconsciously as well as offering magical subconscious expression.

At 12:15pm Mars at 15:56 Aquarius Semi-Sextiles Pluto at 15:56 Capricorn.

Mars is in Mutual Reception with Uranus so we have plenty of drive for personal freedom. In a minor productive aspect to Pluto, we can at least expect some authorities to get out of our way or even lend a hand. We will act on our awareness and use it to initiate structures around shared resources and intimacy.

Wednesday evening holds a 3-way aspect around our real-time sense of reality and our ideas and plans.

At 5:19pm Mercury at 27:16 Sagittarius Quintiles Neptune at 9:16 Pisces.

Here we have Mercury bathed in 2 Higher Mind energies: Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Neptune. We can expect to have some magical words that can heal and can create a new perspective to any old subconscious issues……

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Very Sagittarius Moon day 11-29-2016

Libra Seeking Balance

The New Moon in Sagittarius is the first aspect the Moon makes since entering Sagittarius yesterday afternoon . . . and it’s quite a show! The first aspect the Moon makes after conjoining the Sun is a square to Neptune in Pisces early in the morning. After that she will muddle along for awhile, gradually getting back in the groove. The closer we get to evening the more alive we’ll feel as the Moon heads towards a sextile to Mars in Aquarius. It is usually a good idea to give ourselves time to absorb the effects of a New Moon before we take action, and with the mixed messages hitting us from this one some extra thinking time won’t hurt. 🌠☽♐🌠

Venus in Capricorn makes two aspects today that are very different. First she will be sextile Chiron in Pisces, an aspect concerned with recognizing and healing issues in our…

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Astrology : Daily Panchang – November 30th, 2016

Anoop Astrology Sutra

Daily Panchang – November 30th, 2016

Margshish Month of hindu calendar, 1st day – Pratipada, Shukla Paksha, Nakshtra at the time of Sun rise in Jyeshtha Nakshtra and will be till 02:36 Hrs (IST) on 01-12-2016, Moon will be in Moola at 02:36 Hrs (IST) on 01-12-2016. Dhriti Yog, Bav Karan. Sun Rise in New Delhi will be at 06:59 Hrs (IST) and Sunset at 17:20 Hrs. (IST). At the time of sunrise Moon will be in Scorpio sign and moves in Sagittarius sign at 02:36 Hrs (IST) on 01-12-2016.

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New Moon in Sag 11/2016- Let Your Arrows Fly

Dive Deep Astrology

Early this morning, the moon met up with the sun in Sagittarius at 7 degrees. New moons help us to start fresh. Venturing forward into the unknown with dreams and plans that look to expand our horizons is a good bet for us right now.

The moon in Sagittariussag-glyph is connected to the sun and is also in a really wide conjunction with Saturn. It is also square Neptune in Pisces. What does all of this mean? In my mind it means that we would be well served to take some time to build some lose structures around of our goals for the new moon because our ability to focus and discern the truth may be a bit more foggy than usual. We mean well, Sagittarius generally does, and our plans are moving forward on faith and enthusiasm that but it doesn’t ensure success.

Take a chance. Do something new. Something…

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SAGITTARIUS New Moon for each element and sign


sag-new-moonSAGITTARIUS NEW MOON today, November 29, reminds us all to have faith and optimism. The sign Sagittarius is about being able to see the big picture, and the ability to project hope and inspiration when things may seem bleak.

Planet Saturn joins the conjunction by a wide margin, making it more serious and reality based, and Neptune squares it from its own sign, dreamy Pisces. This is a complicated Moon/Sun dance, when our faith may be tested.

Below is a short summary of what this means to the different signs, grouped according to the elements. Depending on where Sagittarius falls on your personal birth chart, different areas of life are most affected, and this is written for those with the sign on the Ascendant mostly.

FIRE signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo are known for their enthusiasm, initiative, and leadership. They can bring a lot of energy to projects, and are…

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