Capricorn You Surprise Me!

Monika Carless Author *Intuitive Coach


“This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” ~ Alan W. Watts

I know a few Capricorns, and I have to say that as signs of the Zodiac go, Capricorns are a unique lot.

I am a Scorpio myself, and am used to predictable reactions to my sun sign. Usually, they involve a wrinkling of the nose (as in “oh dear”) to stereotyping me into being a violent tornado.

So when Capricorn is accused of being at the less-than-exciting end of the sun sign spectrum, I empathize, because the stereotype is unfair.

Actually, Capricorn while indeed dutiful, cerebral and comfortable within their own carefully constructed world, is also humorous, dependable and hot in the bedroom—they just need the right partner or circumstances to bring it out in them.

On the…

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