Talisman of Safe Driving

The Sorcerer's Blog

TALISMAN OF SAFE DRIVING: Moon culminating triumphed and fast in the 7th Lunar Mansion, Ascendant Ruler fast and dignified.2017-05-25-seventh

This is a 7th Mansion talismanic election for safe travel, particularly by car.

Picatrix gives the name of the Mansion’s ruler as Siely and alternately as Sehele in the Plinian Mansion section, derived from Ibn Hatim:

The seventh Mansion is Aldira and is for the acquisition of all good things. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a seal of silver, and sculpt the image of a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is praying and supplicating; in the breast of the image write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sweet smelling things, and say: “You, Siely, cause such and such to happen, and grant my petition.” Ask for whatever you…

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