Crossing Over the Psychic Highway

litebeing chronicles

Around the 1st or 2nd of March, I am listening to the radio during my morning commute. Business as usual. I am only partially tuning in to the announcer’s comments. He is discussing the next clue for a contest. That gets my attention as I became a bit curious. He said ” Answer all five correctly for your chance to win free tickets to see John Edward in Philadelphia. ” John Edward, the medium? Now I was more than curious!

I did not expect to win any tickets, but wondered when John Edward was coming to town. March 11, it turns out, was the magic day. That is a little over a week away. I check out the website and tickets are still available. Wow, I may actually do this.  I have been interested in John Edward for many years, having watched  his Crossing Over TV shows and interviews. I…

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