Resources for Surviving a Dark Night of the Soul

Not completely on topic, but maybe a bit similarly helpful to some: (I like her work on N24, Circadian Rhythm Disorders such as DSPS.)

Jessica Davidson

Welcome to the resources page for surviving the dark night of the soul and spiritual emergency. You’ll find links to advice, articles and inspiration to help you cope when spiritual crisis threatens to overwhelm you. Bookmark this page!


Spiritual Emergency Resources

Beyond Meds – alternatives to psychiatry, integral holistic well-being

Biology of Kundalini – Comprehensive material on the awakening process from Jana Dixon.

Catherine G Lucas – blog on spiritual emergency from the founder of the Spiritual Crisis Network

Our Light Body – A Kundalini Awakening Testimonial by Mary Rabyor

Psychotic Buddha – Buddhist paths through Madness

Remember to Breathe – breathing exercises and related techniques for living a balanced life

Spiritual Crisis Network – information and resources for people going through spiritual crisis in the UK

Spiritual Emergence Network – information and resources for people going through spiritual crisis in the US

Trauma’s Labyrinth – articles on healing and…

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