New Moon in Sagittarius.

Monika Carless Author *Intuitive Coach

instaquote-_temp5New Moon Blessings my loves!

Have we been through the fire, or what? There are no words to either explain nor understand the events unfolding since the last new moon, which brought Scorpio’s dark intensity. We are still, in America, battling government and its effects – North Dakota and the Presidential elections. So much energy has spilled much like tar; thick and stifling, over emotions and the stark realities of life. In other parts of the world, earthquakes, wars, human rights violations – are we still under this oppression? It seems unfathomable, incomprehensible, too painful to swallow.

And yet, this new moon brings some stability, as we gain in understanding of our light. For there are so many of us now, who bravely shed our brilliance like so many stars at night, hoping for peace, aiming for justice, speaking words of love.

29.11.2016. The magic of the number 4…

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