The Black Moon of October.

Monika Carless Author *Intuitive Coach


We can flow with the moon like we flow with the Sacred Feminine; from darkness where we seek inner guidance – like a woman who enters the cave of introspection and comes out wiser, to a budding light where we sow seeds for visions yet to come – like Mother Nature as she lets her skirts drag upon the ground preparing the earth for summer gifts, to fullness -where pregnant with promise, the Feminine gives wholly of herself and births enlightenment, to a waning softness, and finally a descent back to darkness, each phase a gift, a teaching, a secret discovered – a miracle unto itself.

Enjoy the New Moon my loves. Enter your visions and open to possibility. You are the creators of your own destiny. There is no power like that of a dream birthed under the mysticism of Luna. She will guide you.

Here is a powerful…

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