Tales from Ossory – Witches and Werewolves

Ed Mooney Photography


Continuing on with the Samhain/Halloween Theme I would like to share with you and updated version of my take on a great medieval legend concerning the a case of Lycanthropy right here in Ireland. But first it is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce you to a fantastic book written by fellow Irishman, Author, Blogger and all round nice guy, Hugh Fitzgerald Ryan. After I first published my Werewolf piece, Hugh was kind enough to send me one of his books to read. Now it was no werewolf novel, but it had a close connection to the ancient Kingdom of Ossory where both our stories are based. I won’t give too much away as I would like you to read this fantastic tale based on historical events and characters. It concerns an Alice Kyteler and her maid Petronilla whom were accused of witchcraft by the then Bishop of Ossory…

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