COTD 01.06.17: Importance of family…

Guinevere Fae Tarot

Twins of Airs01.06.17 – Today’s COTD is the Twins of Airs (Knight of Swords) & Othala

The start of a new month, especially when it is also (meteorologically) the beginning of summer, can give way to ideas of holidays, outings and visits to see family.

This is a good time to set the wheels in motion to recognise the deeper connections of ancestry, of where you came from, and who is able to recite old family stories and history which may otherwise be lost one day.

Let go of sibling rivalry too, learn to love and embrace each other, and find the innocence you once had and bring laughter back into the fold.  Family ties are important, although not many people place such priority on them, as time and distance can create boundaries that previously were never there.

Love Jennifer x

Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.R. Rivera and Jasmine Becket-Griffith ©2014, used with…

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