Happy Birthday – Solar Return for Ms X


Happy Birthday Ms X!!

tam SRThe Solar Return (SR) is an astrological map for the next 12 months and the Sun (SO) is the most significant planet in the SR chart – it’s position indicating where you’ll spend the most time and energy. With SO in your SR 4th house, your focus for the next 12 months will be on your home. With this placement, it’s not uncommon for ‘home’ (however defined) to become somehow unsuitable. Expect downsizing, upsizing, improvements – or even an unanticipated and perhaps hasty sale?

Neptune (NE) is also in your 4th SR house. This adds an element of uncertainty and perhaps, sacrifice to your home. Expect delays and confusion. Possibly, either you or your husband will take a new job in a distant location. Other possibilities include your parents and/or children coming back to live with you – whatever happens, try to take any disruption with a pinch of salt. Your SR…

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