Saturn in the 7th House


There’s a vast amount of material written about Saturn’s position in the 7th house which focuses on blocks, frustrations, control, fears and delays.

If you’re new to Astrology, chances are you may have spent an hour on the internet researching Saturn in the 7th house and possibly come away thinking that your marriage will automatically be delayed (if you get married at ALL) or you’re destined to attract stern and controlling partners.

While I don’t totally dismiss these possibilities, I wish to elevate and expand the conversation to include the undeniable growth potential that is inherent in the Saturn archetype. In a great deal of interpretations, I see an imbalance when it comes to revealing how Saturn can operate constructively in the birth chart.

Often times, as soon as the word Saturn is uttered, you can immediately queue the moans and groans from those who only know the “grim reaper” version of the planet.

While Jupiter…

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