Reviewing the Retrograde

BlackBird by Michelle


Not as unusual as you may think.
So five or more planets retrograde at the same time… This happens more often than not, so it’s pretty normal, just like each year you get the different seasons, some are more extreme than others, some impact you more personally. Astrology is a little similar to this, there are cycles, it’s constantly moving and doing its thing, just like the weather.

Well yes you may wonder what on earth drove me to question the recent hype about ‘five planets retrograde hasn’t happened in over a decade’ headliners, perhaps it’s all that Scorpio investigative, quest to find the truth, my degrees of trusting, digging deeper, or perhaps I’m bored and have nothing better to do than question the current hype.
Whatever the driving force is I spent some time looking back over the years. Starting in the present 2016 and eventually stopping in 1988.

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